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Opening Hours : 8.00 am - 15.00 pm

Pilgrimage Nuestra Señora del Carmen

Pilgrimage Nuestra Señora del Carmen

Everything is ready for the celebration of the Pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Carmen.

The works that have been carried out are:

✔️ Potholes in the road

✔️ Pruning palm trees

✔️ Clearing and disinfection of the area

✔️ Enabling garbage points

✔️ Services :WC

🚻 Please use the areas for which they are intended: car parks, WC, horse trough, containers, etc.

♻️ We ask that you do not throw garbage on the road along the way and use bags so as not to contaminate the environment.

🐂 We wish that all the pilgrims have a good Pilgrimage.

Previous Cortijo del Palmar de Troya, our roots and history

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y la comunicación de los recursos e instalaciones turísticas municipales (MUNITIC).

El Palmar de Troya City Council

Tourist Office

C/ Geranio S/N     CP 41719

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 16:00 pm


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